
Maintenance of machine rooms 

It is essential for snowmaking systems to work perfectly in order for ski slopes to be covered with snow in winter. The short windows of opportunity which are available nowadays for snowmaking must be exploited to the fullest extent. Snowmaking systems consist of a multitude of hydraulic, mechanical and electronic components, making them very complex. The TechnoAlpin After-Sales Service ensures that all the components are working in perfect harmony with each other at all times as well as providing customers all over the world with a full range of support.

We have launched a series of videos in order to provide our customers with more in-depth information on the wide variety of services offered by TechnoAlpin. Members of the after-sales service team will present each individual section. 

Video: Guaranteed reliability for the heart of the system

„Die Pump- und Kompressorstationen sind das Herz einer jeden Anlage. Sollten hier Störungen auftreten, kann es zum Stillstand der gesamten Anlage kommen. Um große Schäden an Pumpstationen zu vermeiden, ist es deshalb wichtig, Pumpen und Kompressoren regelmäßig zu kontrollieren und zu warten.“, ist Andrea Margoni überzeugt. Er ist Teamleader des After Sales Teams für Italien und koordiniert die italienweiten Serviceeinsätze.

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